Tag Archives: Parmesan

settled in. [sweet corn risotto]

February 12th, 2014 by | comments


Now that I’m settled into my new apartment, I’m finally back in the kitchen! I was craving risotto and hadn’t made it in a while, so I decided to whip up this sweet corn risotto. My go-to recipe is Giada’s basic risotto in her Everyday Italian cookbook. The recipe is delicious as is, but made even better by adding sweet corn, asparagus or peas.

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late to the game. [jalapeño poppers w. sausage & parmesan]

February 6th, 2013 by | comments


I’m a little late, but I hope everyone’s Super Bowl Sunday was a blast (aside from the 49ers losing). My roommate and I had a bunch of friends over to  watch the game, eat mass amounts of food and drink an exorbitant amount of beer. We had a variety of appetizers ranging from these stuffed jalapenos to a crock-pot sausage and cheese dip to mini weenies in Jack Daniels sauce to homemade chicken tenders to a kale cheese dip. Since a couple of my friends are vegetarians, I made half of the jalapenos with sausage, and half with just the cheese mixture–both were equally delicious!

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pop ’em. [goat cheese, parmesan & pancetta stuffed baby bell peppers]

January 23rd, 2013 by | comments

IMG_2715Even though we had a long weekend, this week is going by miserably slow. At least work is busy, so that helps!

I remember Giada making these stuffed peppers in an episode of Giada at Home a while back, and I’ve had the recipe bookmarked ever since. I altered the recipe a bit, using goat cheese instead of ricotta, excluding the peas, etc., and boy were they delicious–especially straight out of the oven. My roommate doesn’t eat pork, so I excluded the pancetta from her peppers. Judging from her reaction, the peppers were equally as delicious without the meat. :)

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putting the pieces together. [lemon, asparagus & heirloom tomato pasta salad]

August 7th, 2012 by | comments

Last weekend and this week have been pretty busy, from helping my new roommate, Megan, move into my apartment to work piling up at the office. I did, however, find time on Sunday to make a quick trip to Trader Joe’s and to whip up this pasta salad. Since it continues to warm up here in LA, I figured this cold pasta would be perfect for lunch.

Megan and I are devoting the rest of the week to furnishing and decorating the apartment. Last night, we painted our table and chairs white, while sipping on wine and listening to the Hall & Oates Pandora station. It was pretty ideal. :)

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no brainer. [artichoke & parmesan dip]

April 25th, 2012 by | comments

I’m almost embarrassed to share this recipe today because it’s so simple; however, the minimal ingredient list doesn’t seem to affect its popularity. Whenever I bring this artichoke dip to a dinner party or gathering, it’s gobbled up in minutes. But honestly, how can you go wrong when the ingredients are Parmesan, mayonnaise and artichokes? OK, I know you would disagree on the mayonnaise part, Greg, but I’m sure we could find a substitute. :)

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