Tag Archives: Mexican food

soup szn. [chicken & white bean southwestern soup]

October 10th, 2021 by | comments

Soup season is officially here and I’ve decided I’m ok with it, as long as it’s soup like this chicken and white bean southwestern soup that I can garnish with ALL the toppings – cheese, sour cream, avocado, you name it. I’m sure you’ll be seeing more soup (and chili!) on here now that it’s finally starting to cool down in LA. But now that I say that, I’m sure it’ll be 90 degrees one day next week…

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sure to be a winner. [marinated carne asada]

May 5th, 2021 by | comments

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with this marinated United Harvest outside skirt steak aka carne asada. The meat was so incredibly juicy and flavorful. I honestly lost count of how many pieces I ate while cutting the meat. The carne asada is delicious on its own alongside rice and beans, or you can add it to a charred corn tortilla with cilantro and onion. Either way, it’s sure to be a winner!

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you name it. [instant pot chicken carnitas]

February 22nd, 2021 by | comments

Carnitas are my absolute favorite. I order the meat at basically every Mexican restaurant, but when I want to make homemade carnitas, I don’t always have pork shoulder on hand (does anyone?). That’s where these chicken carnitas come in, as I almost always have chicken in the fridge or freezer. The meat is packed with flavor, super moist and perfectly crispy after a few minutes under the broiler. Add the chicken carnitas to tacos, a salad, a burrito bowl – you name it. SO delicious!

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my go-to. [creamy salsa verde chicken enchiladas]

February 9th, 2021 by | comments

Enchiladas have always been my go-to meal. When I’m not sure what to make for dinner and I’m craving Mexican food (which is pretty much 99% of the time), I make enchiladas. These creamy salsa verde chicken enchiladas were some of the best I’ve made in a while. They were even more special because they were made with a jar of Tejano Salsa Verde my brother shipped from his hometown of Dallas, Texas – and apparently you can only buy the salsa in Texas (but I guess there’s always Amazon). The enchiladas can of course be made with any jar of spicy salsa verde, though, so you really can’t go wrong!

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secret ingredient. [instant pot carnitas tacos]

January 22nd, 2021 by | comments

Every time I visit my favorite Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles, I order the carnitas plate. One time, I asked our server what makes the carnitas so good, and he mentioned that Coca Cola was one of the secret ingredients. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to make carnitas using Coca Cola. Fast forward to last weekend when I made the best carnitas I’ve ever made. The pork is juicy and tender and crisped to perfection once broiled. Squeeze a little lemon juice on top and you’re set! As a side note, I meant to photograph these tacos with lemons instead of limes, but honestly, the carnitas would be delicious with either.

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can’t get better than this. [white chicken chili]

January 11th, 2021 by | comments

YOU GUYS. I’ve gotta be honest, this is one of my favorite dishes I’ve made in a while – and that’s saying a lot coming from someone who doesn’t love soup! This white chicken chili is decadent, creamy, flavorful, the list goes on. It doesn’t hurt that there’s a brick of cream cheese in the recipe, but you definitely can’t skimp on that ingredient. Highly recommend making this ASAP!

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