In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with crostini – mainly because bread and cheese are typically involved. This crostini is not only easy on the eyes, but it’s delicious, as well. The creamy ricotta paired with the buttery prosciutto and crispy garlic bread is a winning combo. This would make for a great appetizer or in my case, a delicious lunch. I couldn’t let these go to waste after photographing them!
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I’ve finally mastered homemade mac and cheese (bold statement, I know). Though I’m a sucker for Kraft blue box, it can’t touch the pasta made from scratch. I kept this recipe relatively simple, only adding crispy prosciutto and fresh parsley. But if you’re looking for something more gourmet, give this recipe a try–four-cheese, white truffle oil and mushroom mac and cheese. Yes, it’s as decadent and rich as it sounds.
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Prosciutto and orange? Sure, why not. I was so intrigued by the recipe that I had to make it last night. Boy, am I ever glad that I did. The sweet and salty combo was unique and refreshing–neither flavor overpowered the other. And as I’m sure you’ve noticed, I love pasta, so I’m always up for trying something new. I’ll definitely be making this one again! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
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OK, call me predictable. Prosciutto…again! I wouldn’t dare let the extra meat go to waste though. So, it looks like you’ve got to deal with yet another recipe featuring prosciutto.
I made these stuffed shells on a whim, with ingredients already in the fridge and pantry. The pasta was delectable, with the rich flavor of the mushrooms covered in the creamy ricotta.
Spruce up the homemade marinara sauce with fresh or dried spices from your garden. Greg from Rufus’ Food and Spirits Guide explains the process of drying out spices here.
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I’ve recently been inspired to recreate delectable dishes I’ve eaten at various restaurants. I give full credit to my friend, Ellen, for this idea.
I’ve already attempted to recreate the white truffle mac & cheese from Taste on Melrose, the Moscow mules from The Hudson LA and the Burrata pizza from Bottega Louie in Downtown LA.
Most recently, I took a stab at imitating the Californian asparagus with parma prosciutto, ricotta salata and fried egg from Eveleigh on Sunset.
Though I wouldn’t consider my interpretation up to par with the dish at Eveleigh, it came pretty close. The combination of the silky and salty prosciutto, slightly charred asparagus and gooey fried egg was divine. The dish is best served hot, so timing the preparation correctly is crucial. No one wants to eat cold eggs!
If you remember, I recently featured a product review for Swanson Health Products. Linda over at Savoring Every Bite just posted a fabulous recipe for medjool date and walnut bread for Swanson’s blogger recipe contest. Be sure to check it out and show her some love!
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I’m pretty convinced that adding prosciutto (and/or truffle oil) to a dish guarantees that it will be spectacular. That was definitely the case for this recipe (no truffle oil involved this time though). Prosciutto-wrapped chicken breast topped with Fontina cheese, crushed tomatoes, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese in a white wine tomato cream sauce.
Are you still with me? I can continue describing the braised lentils served alongside the chicken, but I don’t want to make you drool too much.
I went home again this weekend and made my mom and brother, Matt, this meal for dinner. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen Matt eat a meal that fast–and that’s saying a lot. We all gave this dish four forks…plus a few more.
Kristy, I think Miss A and Mr. N would give it four forks as well. :)
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My roommate and I had an urge to make pizza the other night (note why most of my photos are night shots–sorry). We were inspired by our new favorite pizza from Bottega Louie in Downtown LA–the Burrata pizza topped with burrata, Grana parmesan, rapini and Prosciutto di parma.
Though our pizza wasn’t to the standard of Bottega Louie, it was pretty dang close. The salty and somewhat crisp prosciutto was delicious with the creamy ricotta.
I included a few photos below of my roommate and I rolling out the dough, as I thought they were somewhat comical. We’re still pretty newly moved into our apartment, so we’re missing a few kitchen items (a rolling-pin in particular).
My method of simply using my hands wasn’t working well, so my roommate grabbed a bottle of champagne to roll out the dough. Initially, I doubted her idea, but surprisingly, the bottle did wonders! No, our pizza wasn’t perfectly circular, but it still tasted wonderful. :)
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My mom and I wanted to find the perfect green bean recipe to bring to Thanksgiving. After a few days of hunting on the Internet for recipes, we finally decided on a recipe for green beans with prosciutto, lemon juice, lemon zest and toasted pine nuts.
A few nights before, we tested a different recipe that called for green beans with pancetta, caramelized shallots and toasted hazelnuts.This recipe sounded delicious, however, the taste was not there. The pancetta was so salty that my mouth puckered with distaste and the hazelnuts were too large and somewhat bitter.
My mom and I selected a recipe from Eating Well, not for health reasons, but because the ingredients were appealing. Eating healthy does not mean sacrificing deliciousness or taste. The tart of the lemon juice and zest worked well with the slightly salty and savory prosciutto, garlic and toasted pine nuts. Hopefully the rest of the Thanksgiving guests approve of our decision!
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I’m officially inspired. My friend adamantly told me the other day that I had to watch the movie “Julie and Julia.” According to her, I am Julie. After watching the movie, I’d have to disagree a little bit, as I have yet to cook such intricate meals…nor have I ever tried to bone a duck (ew). However, I do mirror Julie’s passion for cooking and sharing it with others via my blog.
I find her tenacity for taking on such a daunting task (524 recipes in 365 days) extremely admirable—especially for someone without any cooking background. Her relationship with Julia Child’s cookbook was clearly a full-time commitment.
The most recent recipe my mom and I tried out was bruschetta with rosemary, roasted plum tomatoes, ricotta and prosciutto from Bon Appetit. Just reading the ingredients makes my mouth water. A series of “mmms,” “yums” and “ooos” will be mumbled after biting into one of these decadent crostinis.
Not only do they taste delicious, but they look it!
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