For those non-cheat days when you just need some veggies but don’t want boring old broccoli, whip up this delicious and beautiful beet dish. The beets on their own taste fantastic, but even better when topped with the creamy goat cheese crumbles, crunchy pistachios and tangy orange vinaigrette. Super easy to make and easy on the eyes, too!
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If you need something to cool yourself down on these miserably hot days, whip up some of this refreshing, freshly squeezed limeade. I guarantee it’ll do the trick!
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A friend of mine celebrated her birthday last night—and we all know what that meant. I had a reason to bake! I wanted to make something that I had never made before, so I decided on blueberry and lemon cupcakes. The birthday girl was kind enough to share her cupcakes with our table of 12 so that everyone got a taste. I’m not sure how well blueberry cupcakes went with sushi, but they still got two thumbs up all around the table.
Since two of the main ingredients are fruit, one of my friends asked if that meant they were healthy. Unfortunately, I had to say no. But it would be ideal if they were, right?
The sweetness of the blueberries and the subtle tartness of the lemon is a surprising, yet delicious, combination. The recipe initially did not have a strong lemon taste, so I altered it a bit to make sure the lemon stood out. One suggestion for the recipe was to freeze the blueberries for 4 hours. By doing this, the blueberries would not sink to the bottom. I’d say this trick worked!
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