Tag Archives: Kale

stress case. [shredded chicken, kale & mushroom casserole w. ricotta & lemon]

January 22nd, 2014 by | comments

photoLife has been insanely busy since the start of the year, meaning I’ve been a complete stress case. On top of working full-time and taking an extension course at UCLA, I’m moving into a new apartment in two weeks! Although stressed, I’m beyond excited for everything to come–it just means I’ll be a little behind on blogging, so I apologize in advance!

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newfound love. [creamy buffalo chicken & quinoa bake w. kale, broccoli & goat cheese]

November 6th, 2013 by | comments


Over the past few months, I’ve fallen in love with buffalo sauce. Don’t ask what took me so long. I had a ton of quinoa in my pantry and wanted to find a way to combine the grain with my newfound love (buffalo sauce). To my surprise, I found a recipe online that did just that. This quinoa bake was divine–I’m getting giddy just thinking about having it for dinner tonight. :)

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throw it together. [ground turkey & quinoa tacos topped w. crispy kale chips & honey-lime Greek yogurt]

March 1st, 2013 by | comments


Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great week. Mine had an unexpected, but wonderful start–my roommate and I decided to foster a kitten! He’s been battling a virus for a few weeks and wasn’t able to fight it at the shelter. We’re hoping that he’ll get better soon now that he’s in a home and away from other cats. Though we’ve only had the little guy one week, I have a feeling I’m going to want to keep him. :)

On to the tacos–I know, quinoa again, right? I’d already made the ground turkey and quinoa, and had a large bag of kale, so I decided to combine the ingredients and make tacos. And believe it or not, it worked!


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addicted. [kale & quinoa salad w. dried cranberries, walnuts & feta]

January 29th, 2013 by | comments

IMG_2724No joke, my roommate and I have eaten this salad four days in a row–it’s that good. It’s also one of the easiest and quickest recipes, aside from the time it takes to cook the quinoa, which is all of 10-15 minutes. The lemon-mustard vinaigrette compliments the salad wonderfully, and tames the bitterness of the kale. Considering how much salad we made, I’ll be eating this for another few days.

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