I hope everyone is having a great Thursday! Can you believe Thanksgiving is already next week? Next week! This month has flown by, and since work has been insanely busy, it’s made the time go by even faster. I worked the Hollywood Film Awards last weekend, and am working the American Music Awards this weekend. I can’t wait!

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It’s already Wednesday? This week is flying by for me. Of course, now that I say that, the rest of the week is going to go by painfully slow. Let’s hope not though, because I can’t wait to go home this weekend to see my cousins from Ohio–it’s been far too long!
I was home last weekend as well, so my mom and I made these unbelievably flavorful stuffed peppers served atop a couscous blend. I’ve eaten this for lunch the past three days, and wish I had enough for the rest of the week. Though the recipe was time-consuming, the hours spent were definitely worth it. Delicious, healthy, colorful–can’t go wrong. :)
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It’s all about the turkey in this recipe. I absolutely love cooking these quick and easy turkey burgers. I’d say they definitely give an In-n-Out or Five Guys burger a run for its money. With an equal amount of flavor, why not opt for the healthier alternative? Although, once you add the cheddar cheese and sun-dried tomato mayonnaise, it somewhat defeats the healthy aspect, but there’s no doubt it boosts the flavor tenfold. The succulent vinegar-infused sauce is guaranteed to titillate your taste buds—and it’s a strong competitor with the In-n-Out “special sauce.”
I usually make mini turkey burgers, but decided to make regular-sized patties the other night. The mini burgers, however, are the perfect dinner party appetizer. They’re just like sliders you would order at a restaurant.
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