I’m a sucker for juicy cheeseburgers and cheese-smothered enchiladas (separately, of course), but I’ve been trying to eat a bit healthier lately. This herb and citrus chicken was incredibly delicious and guilt-free!
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Per usual, I bought ground turkey at the market, without any recipe in mind. But I did know that I wanted to create something different from anything I’d already made, such as the ground turkey tacos picadillo, turkey burgers with lemon-honey mustard sauce, turkey chili and turkey burgers with sun-dried tomato mayonnaise.
Though this isn’t the most visually appealing dish, the flavors make up for it. I decided to keep the seasoning for the ground turkey gravy simple, making rosemary the prominent flavor. The meal was hearty, comforting and delicious–an ideal dinner for fall. :)
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