toffee break. [homemade english toffee]

December 21st, 2020 by | comments

I’m still in shock Christmas is this week. Where has the time gone?! One thing I absolutely recommend making before the holiday weekend is this homemade English toffee. My mom has been making this recipe for years and it’s everything you’d want in a toffee – it’s sweet, it’s crunchy and it’s decadent. Although a laborious task, making the toffee is a fun group activity and so worth the time and effort in the end. It makes for a great gift, too!

homemade english toffee
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 15-20
Recipe makes two cookie sheets worth of english toffee. Cut recipe in half if making for less people.
  • 4 packages (8 oz. each) Trader Joe's dry toasted slivered almonds
  • 2 Trader Joe's Pound Plus Milk Chocolate bars (17.6 oz. each)
  • 9 Hershey's chocolate bars (approx. 4.4 oz. each), frozen, very finely chopped
  • 3 lbs. (12 sticks) salted butter
  • 6 cups sugar
  1. In a large processor, pulse the slivered almonds until finely chopped. Heat a large skillet over medium heat, then add chopped almonds and cook until lightly toasted, roughly 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid burning.
  2. Prepare two 15"x10" baking sheets with a layer of half of the chopped toasted almonds, followed by a layer of half of the grated chocolate.
  3. In a large Dutch oven, melt butter over medium heat, then add sugar and cook, stirring constantly, to 312 degrees (just beyond hard crack), which will take up to 25-30 minutes. Make sure to use a sturdy and easily readable thermometer, and preferably one that attaches to the side of the pan. If desired, begin water tests around 300 degrees, as thermometers can vary.
  4. Quickly spread candy over almonds and chocolate on prepared baking sheets, then immediately layer with remaining halves of chocolate and almonds.
  5. Cool in the refrigerator overnight on baking sheets before breaking into pieces.

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