Cinnamon and sugar anything = my weakness. Remember these churro cupcakes? I could eat 10. The combo is just too delicious!
Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies, but for some reason, I’ve never posted them on my blog. These cookies have the perfect texture–chewy on the inside with a slight crunch on the outside, topped with gobs of cinnamon and sugar amazingness.
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I love lemon–especially when used in desserts. I was craving a lemon treat the other night, so I decided to make these lemon sugar cookies. The texture of the cookie was perfect–slightly crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Of course the cookies were unbelievably addicting, so I shared them with friends and co-workers. That way, I didn’t eat the entire batch!
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This weekend, I am helping my sorority with recruitment at Chapman University. Sadly, I am helping as an alumnae and not an active member. It’s been so nice getting to see and catch up with all of my 50 plus beautiful sisters. It made me realize exactly why I joined this particular sorority in the first place (not to sound cheesy).
When I brought the cookies in the room, I was not surprised to see a herd of girls dart over to snatch one. We phis do love our food!
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