If you’re still searching for recipe ideas for your 4th of July get together, I’ve got you covered! I recently made this Italian pasta salad for a picnic with friends before a Hollywood Bowl concert and not a noodle was left in sight. The dish is simple, yet packed with flavor and texture. I will be making this again for my parent’s 4th of July party – per my mother’s request!
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Summer is right around the corner, so it’s time to start prepping for a multitude of picnics and barbecues. This delicious pesto pasta salad is the perfect addition to your summer outing and is sure to win over any crowd.
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Hi everyone! I apologize for being a bit M.I.A. lately–life and work got insanely busy all of a sudden. But, it’s already been a wonderful week full of great news, from getting free tickets to concerts to hearing the Coachella lineup to (best of all) getting a promotion at work! Therefore, cooking and baking have been put on the back burner.
I threw this pasta dish together with ingredients already on hand and was pleasantly surprised with the success of the meal. Be sure to season sparingly with salt–the salami already provides plenty!
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