Tag Archives: Peas

human again. [creamy four-cheese mac & cheese w. mushrooms, peas & chicken]

May 12th, 2014 by | comments


It’s been a long two weeks. I’m still recovering from a serious gum surgery, but am finally starting to feel human again. My diet for the past two weeks has consisted of frozen yogurt, protein shakes and Ramen…and all I want is a cheeseburger!!

I couldn’t bear to eat another bowl of Maruchan Ramen, so I decided to try eating mac & cheese. Granted, I was only able to eat the noodles and cheese sauce, but the rest of my family enjoyed the pasta with the mushrooms, peas and chicken. Everyone gave the dish two thumbs up!

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facing fears. [creamy lemon risotto w. peas, asparagus & parmesan]

April 18th, 2013 by | comments


Up until now, I’ve been too scared to make risotto (silly, I know). I assumed my attempt would result in a mushy disaster, even though I’ve watched my mom cook the rice over a dozen times.

But good news, it turned out just right! The risotto was al dente, creamy and full of flavor, with a slight tang from the lemon zest. I made enough to feed me for an entire week, so whoever wants to come over for dinner, please do!

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