Tag Archives: Deviled eggs

speak of the devil. [avocado deviled eggs & grandma’s traditional deviled eggs]

April 12th, 2012 by | comments


I know I’m late to the game since I didn’t post this deviled egg recipe on Easter, but nonetheless, here it is now. :) My family doesn’t do Easter baskets, egg hunts, etc. anymore, so my mom and I figured we’d be somewhat festive by whipping up some deviled eggs.

We’d never added avocado to the filling before, so we wanted to give it a try. Though the avocado flavor was subtle, it was recognizable–and delicious! Of course, traditional deviled eggs never fail, so we used my grandma’s recipe for the rest of the eggs.

If you’re looking for more deviled egg inspiration, head over to Egg Me On.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I’ll be spending the weekend in the desert at Coachella. Crossing my fingers it doesn’t end up raining!

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